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New Silentel brochures

Get new Silentel brochures to find out more about benefits of secure communication.


The latest news about Ardaco and Silentel solutions in a modern and simple design - That's the new Ardaco and Silentel brochures.  

The new Ardaco brochure with refreshed design contains updated information about Ardaco's products, services and current R&D projects. The Silentel brochure has a new 8-page format with much more information about the solution, features and benefits for government and enterprise. Silentel trifold is simple brochure with information focused for individual customers.

What you can find inside?

  • Secure communication background
  • Silentel most advanced features
  • Solutions for Government, Enterprise and Individuals
  • Silentel architecture 
  • Benefits and testimonials (what our customers are saying)

Download below to find our more.

Ardaco brochure


Silentel brochure


Silentel trifold



  File Language Download
Ardaco brochure English
Silentel brochure English
Silentel brochure Slovak
Silentel trifold English
Silentel trifold Slovak


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