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Silentel 7.2: Extreme performance. Extreme security

Silentel is now significantly faster when opening and reconnecting. All performance enhancements are in line with highest security standards.


Silentel 7.2: Extreme performance. Extreme security

Silentel is now significantly faster when opening and reconnecting. All performance enhancements are in line with highest security standards. Silentel never makes compromise in security. 


faster on normal
4G network


faster on slow

Message expiration. New custom settings

New feature allow you to set custom expiration for all sent messages. Unlike other security apps, messages are wiped on sender and even on recipient's side. You has full control how long your messages exist.

Message expiration. New custom settings.

Silentel app > Settings > Account > Message expiration


Silentel 7.2 also provides

- Support for Right-to-Left languages in Messages

- Import and export Aliases using QR code (iOS only)

- And many other improvements and bug fixes

We update Silentel regularly so we can make it better for you.


Install latest Silentel update now

Google Play App Store Windows PC


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